Tonight's blogging soundtrack is brought to you by Tracy Chapman. I can remember listening to her music as a child although I had no idea what she was saying. Little did I know what an amazing song writer she is. One night during a power outage, my cousins, sister, and I put on a talent show/competition and I performed Fast Car using the guitar I got for Christmas; I won!
My cousin is my hair dresser. Every couple of weeks, I go to her house so that she can accentuate my already gorgeous features but manipulating my hair. She used to have me bring a movie for us to watch while she did my hair and I would use the opportunity to introduce her to the foreign movie genre. Towards, the end of last year she purchased a Netflix membership and we began watching documentaries every time I would come over. It was while she was doing my hair that I watched Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead prompting me to embark on my own 60 day cleanse. Since then, most of the documentaries I select are based on food and health. A couple of days ago, I was at her house for my bi-weekly appointment and randomly selected the documentary Vegucated. Vegucated is about a Vegan who challenges 3 ordinary people to try the vegan lifestyles for 6 weeks. I was immediately interested because Veganism is a lifestyle choice I have been contemplating once my fast is complete. . The documentary starts out quite humorously with each of the 3 people having varying degrees of difficulty dealing with having to give up meat. And then it takes an unexpected dark turn - the slaughter house footage. It starts with a scene where we see the people in the documentary watching footage of the slaughter houses but we don't get to see what they are watching and I remember wishing I could see it too: be careful what you wish for. In college, I attended a PETA meeting and was shown a very graphic video of a mink being skinned for it's fur and I will never forget it. Vegucated did eventually show us the slaughter houses footage and it was equally difficult to watch. Halfway through the footage I realized that my cousin was crying - not the simple tears running down your cheeks variety but actual crying. Needless to say once the documentary was over we were both vegans and ready to preach veganism to anyone who dared to eat flesh of any kind in our presence. At the time I could not see it but there were several things incredibly wrong with that documentary. However, my eyelids have a date with each other and they will not be dissuaded, so we shall continue our discourse tomorrow!
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